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October 15, 2012 Guy Stuff

Red Bull Stratos Mission: Felix Baumgartner’s Supersonic Freefall [Video]

Red Bull Stratos Felix Baumgartner Supersonic Freefall

The Red Bull Stratos scientific mission is complete. Jumping from a stratospheric balloon Felix Baumgartner attempted to break the speed of sound in freefall. After flying to an altitude of 128,100 feet in a helium-filled balloon, Felix completed a record breaking jump after he reached a maximum of speed of 833mph. In doing so, he broke two other world records (highest freefall, highest manned balloon flight).

Red Bull Stratos Felix Baumgartner Supersonic Freefall


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To learn more about the mission and to see some really cool photos, make sure to check out RedBullStratos.com.


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