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Machete Star Danny Trejo Mini-Doc by Estevan Oriol

September 2, 2010 Guy Stuff

the Little Black Dress

The Urban Dater posted a great article about one man’s perspective and fascination with women who wear little black dresses. After reading the article I started to wonder do other men share this attraction.

Before I go any further, I must admit I refuse to wear black dresses and I am puzzled as to what the allure of a woman in a black dress could have. Could this be why I am single? I do not have anything against women who wear all black dresses or men who adore them, but for me black dresses signify several things including:

1. Lack of Style/Creativity
If she thinks a little black dress is the be all and end all, she may not be able to imagine the possibilities of what could be including in the area of sexual satisfaction.

2. No Personality
If she always wears black this could be a sign of her personality or lack thereof. Black generally signifies invisibility, blending in, and the inability to express inner feelings.

3. Too Body Conscious
Point blank, “thick” girls or chicks with too much stomach tend to wear all black everything because it is slimming.

My anti black campaign started years ago when I left New York City, the home of black suits and blue shirts as I often referred to it. Since that time, I vowed NEVER to wear anything that was all black. Aside from a pair of all black thigh high boots (that’s a different story all together) you will never catch me in all black anything. After spending a considerable amount of time in Miami, the home of little black dresses and cheap black shoes, I wondered WHY any man would want a woman that has no sense of style. I don’t hate women who wear little black dresses; I just think adding color to your wardrobe shows imagination and more importantly PERSONALITY!

the Little Black Dress posted on

If I am Super Man then the Lit­tle Black Dress is undoubt­edly my Kryp­tonite, ren­der­ing me into a state of ener­vated goo. It’s quite a pathetic site really. How­ever, I can­not help this; I’m genet­i­cally pre­dis­posed to be wood silly by any woman, regard­less of shape or size who dons the Lit­tle Black Dress. Why? When or where did this obses­sion come from?

Maybe I mas­tur­bated to one too many Sears cat­a­logs as a youth… errr.. or a thirty some­thing. Who knows?

You women; you don’t wear a Lit­tle Black Dress. It wears you! When put together, you make me so very, very imbecilic.

For the complete article make sure to visit

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