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September 29, 2010 Advice

5 Tips To Becoming a Distinguished Man


See The World

Travel makes you well rounded. If you explore new places, you’re sure to have interesting stories, fascinating experiences and a world view that isn’t just about the US of A.  That will make you more attractive to girls and more impressive to other men. If you learn another language, you get extra points.

Be Gentle, Man!

Being a gentleman for many people is a thing of the past. But consider the impression you will give women, when you open the door for them, exercise good table manners and use words other than the four-letter kind. You might think modern women aren’t into all that. BUT think again- although some of us don’t require that a man be a gentleman, most of us are extremely turned on by it.

Meet and Greet

Having a network of quality people around you is essential to your success in life. It makes it more likely that you’ll get career opportunities and that your social outings are diverse. Well, that social network of good people is also good for your dating life. Your girl will notice that you’re a connected guy, which is impressive.  She’ll also see that you value interesting people from a vast background.

Do a good deed.

Everyone has a good cause they believe in. Pick yours and dedicate some money or better yet, some time to the cause. Spend time at a homeless shelter, help mentor troubled kids-there’s so much you could do. No matter what you choose, you’ll benefit in more ways than one. You’ll do something good for others, and on a more selfish note: the women you date will be touched by your humanitarian side.

Tailor Made

The big insider secret to looking good in your clothes is not a killer fashion sense, or a lot of money. If you wear a black t-shirt, no one will know if it’s Junya Watanabe or the Gap. The real secret to looking great in your clothes is “fit”.  Learn you’re measurements, and the general rules about how your shirts and blazers should fit you. But most of all get your clothes tailored.  A tailor will make your clothes look like they were custom made for you!


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