Girlfriend DO’s And DONT’S

3 Things Not To Do On Valentine’s Day


February 9, 2011 Advice

3 Rules To Get Over Her

Just getting out of a painful break up? Do you need to get over her, but find yourself clinging on to memories?  Follow these three simple rules to help you get over her fast!

Block Her On Facebook, Twitter and the Rest…

Let go of her on all your mutually linked social networking sites. This is the best way to protect your heart while you heal from a split with your  ex-girlfriend. The last thing you want to see is a pic of some new dude with his arm around your girl, and let’s face it- it’s too tempting not to occasionally look at her profile and long for the olden happier days of your relationship.

Don’t Text Her
No, no, no, no, no, no! Don’t text her to see how she’s doing. Don’t text her to say you miss her. Don’t use texting to release the last little bit of anger that’s been festering in your chest. The key to getting over your girl… um… ex-girl, is to really end all communication until you are COMPLETELY over her. Come on, you can do this!

Be Careful What You Tell Other People About Her

If you have mutual friends this is crucial, because you could stir up a whole lot of drama for no reason. You shouldn’t talk crap about her or reveal too much information about your relationship. Be a gentleman and zip it. If you really need to talk it out for closure, consider seeing a professional… (and by that I mean a therapist, not the other kind of professional).


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