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4 Tips For Getting Back With Your Ex

July 13, 2011 Advice

Top 4 Tips For Getting Back With An Ex

So you and your girl broke up and you’ve been wondering if it’s a good idea to get back together. The truth is, depending on why you ended your relationship it might not be bad to give it another go. A long break from a girlfriend/boyfriend can bring some clarity to the situation. So, if you are considering getting back together with an ex consider the following tips!

It’s hard not to pick up right where you left off, but you have to push the breaks a little bit. In your time apart, both of you might have had some changes – which means you’ll have to take the time to get to know each other again. Don’t see this as a bad thing – think of it with the excitement of having a new girl in your life, even if you already know all her dirty habits!

Getting back together with an ex isn’t as simple as kissing and making up. You have to address the issue that was at hand when you both split! Keep to the big picture reasons why it didn’t work the first go around and establish ways you’ll both try to be better this time.

The one thing you should avoid talking about is what you guys did while you were apart. No matter how much you might want to know, it’s best that you don’t bring up the excruciating details of being with other people!

Once you’ve hashed out the issues, it’s time to let the drama go forever more! Try to make sure you don’t have a chip on your shoulder and that she doesn’t have baggage from passed experiences. Every time a person breaks up, they become stronger. You will both have to pull from that strength when you have your first argument when back together, but remember you’re back together for a reason!


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