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Kim Kardashian Divorce Kris Humphries

November 2, 2011 Guy Stuff

Kim Kardashian’s “REAL” Message To Her Fans About Her Divorce

Kim Kardashian Divorce Kris Humphries

Raise your hand if you saw this divorce coming? Now, raise both hands if you really don’t care. After all, I think it was clear to everyone that this was a made for TV wedding and Kris Humphries was just a willing puppet in the Kardashian’s game.

In true Kardashian form, Kim decided to put out a message to her fans explaining the situation; however, we can’t help but read in between the lines. Kim actually comes clean and states “I got caught up with the hoopla.” She claims to have married for love, but anybody with half a brain knows the possibility she married for attention sounds more accurate.

Check out Kim’s full statement below and let us know your thoughts on what she had to say.

This is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write. I see all of the support and I am so thankful for my fans, friends and family who are helping me through this difficult time.

I am trying not to read all the different media reports but it’s hard not to see all the negative ones. First and foremost, I married for love. I can’t believe I even have to defend this. I would not have spent so much time on something just for a TV show! I share so much of my life on a reality show, that contemplating whether to even film my wedding was a tough decision to make, and maybe it turned out to not be the smartest decision. But it’s who I am! We filmed Kourtney giving birth, Khloe getting married, break ups, make ups, our best moments and our worst moments. These were all real moments. That’s what makes us who we are. We share, we give, we love and we are open!

Everyone that knows me knows that I’m a hopeless romantic! I love with all of my heart and soul. I want a family and babies and a real life so badly that maybe I rushed in to something too soon. I believed in love and the dream of what I wanted so badly. I felt like I was on a fast roller coaster and couldn’t get off when now I know I probably should have. I got caught up with the hoopla and the filming of the TV show that when I probably should have ended my relationship, I didn’t know how to and didn’t want to disappoint a lot of people.

I’m being honest here and I hope you respect my courage because this isn’t easy to go through. But I do know that I have to follow my heart. I never had the intention of hurting anybody and I accept full responsibility for my actions and decisions, and for taking everyone on this journey with me. It just didn’t turn out to be the fairy tale I had so badly hoped for.

There are also reports that I made millions of dollars off of the wedding. These reports are simply not true and it makes me so sad to have to even clarify this. I’m so grateful to everyone who took the time to come to my wedding and I’ll be donating the money for all the gifts to the Dream Foundation.

I’m sorry if I have hurt anyone, but my dad always told me to follow my heart and I believe now that I really am.

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