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November 10, 2013 Advice

1st Date vs. 21st Date [Illustartion]

1st Date Dating Infographic 5

We love infographics and illustrations, so when we came across this 1st date vs. 21st date we couldn’t resist posting it. As women we are often times confused about dating and as men we are sure that you are baffled as well. The illustration below does a hilarious job at not only documenting how women think when preparing for a date, but shows how their attitudes changes as they become more comfortable. While many of the illustrations are funny and a true representation of some deranged girl out there some where, we will co-sign sort of speak on the last photo. If she continues to sleep after you leave, pat yourself on the back. You did good.

1st Date Dating Infographic 1
1st Date Dating Infographic 2
1st Date Dating Infographic 3
1st Date Dating Infographic 4
1st Date Dating Infographic 5
1st Date Dating Infographic 6
1st Date Dating Infographic 7
1st Date Dating Infographic 8
1st Date Dating Infographic 9
1st Date Dating Infographic 10
1st Date Dating Infographic 11

Unplugged via College Humor


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