3 Things Not To Do On Valentine’s Day

Top 3 Signs She’s Playing You

February 16, 2011 Advice

4 Traits Women Find Irresistible

#1 Confidence

Confidence should not be confused with cockiness. I repeat: confidence is not to be confused with cockiness. If you step to a girl with pick up lines and are really pushy about getting her attention, that can be received as annoying. However, if you are relaxed, assertive and polite, you will attract women.

#2 Humor

Don’t we all want someone we can laugh with? Well, women definitely do. It’s important to have a great sense of humor, no matter what type of humor you have. Laughter is essential to chemistry with a woman. If there are laughs, you know you the mood will be light and making her smile goes a long way!

#3 Ambition

There is nothing worse in a woman’s eyes than a man that has absolutely no direction in life. A man that has goals, no matter what field they’re in, tend to be more passionate and therefore most likely to succeed. It doesn’t matter what your passion is… just go for it!

#4 Great Hygiene

Women notice a man who takes care of himself. This isn’t about being a metrosexual or GTL’ing yourself to death. Just take care of your body, health and hygiene, because women notice.


2 Responses to 4 Traits Women Find Irresistible

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