No, not sex for cereal or cereal instead of sex, but SEXCEREAL! Let us explain as you try and wrap your brain around it.
SEXCEREAL is an actual product that claims to be the world’s first and only gender-based whole food cereal. They also claim to be “the best-tasting cereals you’ve ever eaten…” After reading that claim doesn’t it sound like they could be speaking about something other than cereal? There description sound link an expensive… well, we will let you men be the judge of that.
According to their website, SEXCEREAL for HIM is blended with ingredients shown to support testosterone and then some. SEXCEREAL for HER is blended with ingredients shown to support hormonal balance and then some. Both cereals contain oats and maca. Different ingredients that aid in promoting testosterone or hormonal balance have been added to both. The cereal looks a lot like Granola, but it is much more of a whole food. SEXCEREAL is made with only 40% certified gluten-free oats.
Peter Ehrilch, the creator of SEXCEREAL was quoted as saying, “If you have a bowl of my cereal, you’re not going to get an erection in 20 minutes.” We don’t know about you, but we sure would like to taste some (no pun intended). What do you think it tastes like? To learn more about SEXCERAL visit there website
Unplugged via Bro Bible
SEXCEREAL: The World’s Most Passionate Cereal!…
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