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Apps Productivity Organized 1

January 18, 2016 Guy Stuff

Keep Calm And Let These 5 Apps Help You Get Organized

We love our apps. They make life less dull, help you handle business, and so much more. Some apps are more popular than the next; those without the popularity oftentimes are missed by people that could really benefit from their use. It shouldn’t be this way. There are some really awesome, useful and helpful apps out there that you should know about like the 5 listed below. Take a look at these apps and try them out for yourself. You’ll love them!

Trello App

Trello App

Trello is an awesome organizational app available for iPhone and Android devices. There truly isn’t an easier to use organizational app out there, helping you keep track of important documents, files, photos and more. It perfectly syncs across all your devices, allowing you to drag and drop cards between lists to show progress as well as reordering lists as you need. The app will also adapt to your project, team, and workflow sharing data with as many people as you need to add. If you are not already using it, your life is in shambles that you could get out of with the simple addition to your life! The app is available for free download. There’s nothing to set up and everyone gets it instantly with all updates in real-time.


Mvelops App

For anyone that wants to get their debts in order, this app has what you need to make that happen. It is fun, easy to use and definitely one of the most useful apps you’ll ever add to your phone. You can do so much with this app, including keep track of your bills, plan ahead, budget your cash flow, and more. This is your award-winning personal finance app that will help you save your hard-earned money! Features include the ability to import your bank and credit card account, net worth tracking, spending envelopes, and auto transaction gathering. Compatible with Windows and Mac, the Mvelopes app is available on both iPhone and Android.

Do! App

Do List App

The Do App is another must try app. This to-do list app is one that helps you get your life in order while ensuring that you do not forget any of the important happenings in your life. This app is perfect for organizing daily tasks. It’s easy to use with extremely simple input, simple completion check, manual sorting, auto sorting, and it allows you to pick from an assortment of colors and font size to make it easier to view.

Remember the Milk

Remember The Milk App

The Remember the Milk app not only has a totally cool name, it also does totally cool things for you! The easy to use app ensures that you never again forget the milk… or anything else important in your life. With an intuitive interface this app makes managing tasks fun. Remember the Milk allows you to work offline and sync when an Internet connection is available. You can organize efficiently by list, use tags, or location and prioritize your tasks. Reminders via email, SMS, and instant messenger can also be set-up. The app is available from iTunes for Apple products with free download available.


24me App

24Me is an Apple 2014 ‘Best of’ winner so you know that it is going to do great things in your life. The smart personal assistant app is a fully integrated to-do list; bill payer; calendar and planner all in one, helping you organize life without the need for several different apps. This app works from the inside out to ensure that your life is always in order. It’s the automatic task master that gets things done.

Everybody can use a little help with their daily lives and these handy applications can do that and so much more. We think you’ll love them. If these apps don’t change your life, we’d be surprised.


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