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6 Things You Should Know About First Dates

April 8, 2013 Advice

6 Things You Should Know About First Dates

First dates can be just as nerve-racking for men as for women. Knowing what to do, how to act, and what to wear are all things men and women struggle with when going out on a first date. We thought we would offer you advice from a girl’s view that will hopefully help you land a second date.

1. Pay The Bill
A never-ending debate is who should pay the bill on the first date. Many believe whoever invites the other should pay, but that’s bull sh*t. Paying for a girl on the first date is NOT about convincing or impressing. It’s about “RESPECTING!” Women want to feel respected, loved, and, more importantly, protected. In most women’s eyes, a man who can’t do something as simple as pay for a meal on a first date is a loud signal of what’s to come in the future. Telling a girl to feed herself is like showing her that you may not be a good provider/protector. Pay the first, second, and third bill.

2. Don’t Open The Door
Yes, you read that correctly. You should, but if that’s not you, don’t. You should always start a relationship by showing a girl who you are and how you are. If you are not the guy who opens doors ALL THE TIME, don’t give her the impression that you are a gentleman with old-fashioned values. Be generous and a gentleman, but don’t be someone you aren’t.

3. Listen
Don’t talk (much). Do listen. Allow her to do the talking. The guy who listens gets the girl! And guys, listening means maintaining eye contact and waiting for her to finish speaking first before adding your comments. Stroke her ego by being flirtatious with your responses to what she is saying. Remember, don’t overdo it when you do decide to speak.

4. Be Cool
Don’t try too hard. Be yourself. Go with the flow, and don’t overthink the date. You should live in the moment and enjoy your experience with her. Make sure to have some conversation starters and ask open-ended questions to show that you are interested in getting to know her. Most importantly, make sure to compliment her. Complimenting your date will make her feel good about you and the date.

5. Be Mysterious
Women like mystery men, so don’t let her see too much. Nothing is more attractive to a woman than a man she finds mysteriously fascinating. Let her get a glimpse into your world and show her you are well-rounded and intriguing without giving up everything about yourself.

6. Be the MAN
First dates are difficult, but you need to show your date that you are confident while maintaining an air of mystery. Show her that you are in control, be proud of who you are, and what you have to offer. It’s important to act according to the situation and show her you are a take-charge kind of guy without being too cocky. Command respect while making her feel like she is the center of attention. Engage her in good conversation and not just small talk. Don’t be afraid to show her your personality, and to dress the part either. If you look good, you will feel good. Not to mention, women love a well-dressed man.


3 Responses to 6 Things You Should Know About First Dates

  1. Katherine Webb Makes A Splash In The Pages Of The NY Post [PHOTOS] + MORE | says:

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