LEGO Black Ops

Yogi Bear Parody: “Boo-Boo Kills Yogi” Alternative Ending

December 15, 2010 Guy Stuff

World’s Strangest Cakes

Creepiness comes in all shapes and sizes. It also comes in all flavors. Here’s a roundup of some of the strangest/funniest creative cakes on the net. The holidays are coming, so just join in the fun of funny confections!


Is he looking to the heavens or rolling his eyes, that he’s getting eaten again by another Jesus-loving church group?


Nothing like eating the bride on her wedding day. She’s giving that cake so much “side eye”,  you’d think she wasn’t flattered.


Negar is clearly a cat lover.


Japanese poop cake!


Nothing like ordering a cake with Olympic rings on it, and receiving a cake with the words “Olympic Rings” on it. In parenthesis, just the way you wrote it on the order form.


Um, am I missing something? Why does the band aid on this Lil’ Wayne cake say “Wade”? ps – licorice dreadlocks= awesome!


So basically, there’s a trend in eating the heads of people you admire? Oprah, Lil’ Wayne, Jesus…


Ah, the adorable baby trapped in a cake, cake. So sweet.


Speaking of baby cakes – what is going on here? There doesn’t seem to be a baby shower going on in that office!


Gilded scorpion on a bed of chocolate. Now what if this ended up a the wrong 3 year old’s birthday party?


It’s not so much that you have a PlayStation cake, it’s that PlayStation is such  BIG part of your life, that you’re getting that cake at your 30th birthday!


Nerd alert cake. Sike, we love Rubik’s cubes.


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