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June 30, 2011 sports

The NBA Commenced A Lockout Of Its Players, But Who Locked Out

NBA Lockout

The National Basketball Association (NBA) announced that it will commence a lockout of its players, effective at 12:01 am ET on July 1, until a new collective bargaining agreement is reached with the National Basketball Players Association (NBPA). What we want to know is who locked out The site looks HORRIBLE! As of 9:25 PM PST/12:25 PM EST, looked like an old WordPress blog template at best (see below). No flash, no frills, and too much text would be the best way to describe what once was filled with flashy headlines. The “Frequently Asked Questions On NBA Lockout” section of the dumbed-down website include question like “what happens in a lockout,” “what are the most important issues holding up a deal,” and “what does this mean for 2011-12.” Although many generic questions are answered, there is no explanation as to why the website looks the way it does. According to Blogger and self-professed NBA expert Stiletto Jill, “legally the teams have to remove all player photos for the duration of the lockout.” Interesting.

NBA Lockout


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