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October 10, 2011 Guy Stuff, TV + Movies

10 Movie Sequels That Should NEVER Happen

Who else hates the 80s movie remakes? It’s no secret that Hollywood’s creative juices are on a permanent hiatus. Hollywood’s obsession with recycled versions of old flicks has hit an all-time high and moviegoers are sick of it. Over the last few years major studios have delivered moviegoers an enormous amount of remakes which is a clear indication that they have run out of ideas. Better yet, maybe they are afraid to take chances with new and upcoming writers. Whatever the case may be, there are a few movies that we are hoping they NEVER make sequels to including:


10. Ferris Bueller Day Off
Ferris Buellers Day Off Movie Poster
25 years later this is still one of the most beloved pop movie icons to hit the big screen.

9. Independence Day
Independence Day Movie Poster


8. Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump Movie Poster
Life is like a box of chocolates… you never know what you will get if there was a remake of Forrest Gump.


7. Show Girls
Show Girls Movie Poster
Bad reviews and a box office disaster forever closed the case regarding a remake of Show Girls.



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