You should never drink and drive, but if you do, how cool would it be to have a personal breathalyzer? Well, there is an app for that. Yes, an app! The makers of Lapka BAM Breathalyzer have found a cleaver way to exchange data from a device to your phone that will wirelessly track your alcohol metabolism over time via an audio signal.
The device fits in your palm, and best of all, no synchronization is required to connect the device with your phone. Once you have the device firmly in the palm of your hand, forming a mouthpiece with your fist, all you do is take a deep breath and blow for 4 seconds and it will connect. The BAM icon on your phone screen will fill up completely when it’s finished activating to start the measuring process. The app will calibrate automatically via Lapka servers using your device ID. The more drunk you are, the simpler the appearance of the app becomes. Currently, Lapka BAM is only compatible with Android and iOS devices.
VIDEO: Lapka — Breath Alcohol Monitor
Make sure to visit for more information. Remember, it’s never safe to drink and drive!
Unplugged via Uncrate