It’s truly one of America’s most iconic cars — the Ford Mustang. Maybe you’ve had one, maybe you haven’t, but either way it’s hard to deny its longstanding allure. If you don’t have the real thing in the garage, how about a copy of Art of the Mustang for your coffee table or desk, where you still enjoy a little muscle car every day.
Written by Donald Farr and photographed by Tom Loeser, these guys have put together a generously illustrated book of crazy good photographs to walk you through the now 50-plus-year-old standout of automobiles. You’ll see models through the ‘60s, ‘70s, ‘80s…all the way up to 2015, including pace cars, anniversary editions, high-performance models and SVO specialties.
As one commentor on wrote, “Art of the Mustang firmly establishes Tom Loeser as a giant in automotive photography. He is the living muse. There is perfect harmony in the lighting, the vanishing points, the color saturation, the highlights and shadows along body lines, and the seat of your pants feel to the interior shots. Motorbooks clearly recognized the artistry of this gifted photographer and pulled out the stops in reproducing his shots for this book. It is the last word in Mustang photo art, at least until Mr. Loeser does another one.” We agree that the art work and photography alone is worth the purchase.
It’s a Mustang must-have for any car enthusiast…whether you like to read or just look at the pictures, the “light-painted” photographic images in this one are impressive…the next best thing to sitting in the real thing for yourself (and it’ll cost you less than a tank of gas).
BUY $17.00