Coolest Groom’s Cake Ever

4 Sexy Things That Won’t Be So Hot When...

November 12, 2010 Guy Stuff

He-Man Gin, Whisky, and XXX Rum


HE-MAN! If you grew up in the 80’s you couldn’t escape seeing the He-Man cartoon and action figures. For those that know the premise of He-Man, you understand that his strength was derived from the magical powers within Castle Grayskull and his job was to protect the secrets of the castle from the evil forces of Skeletor. Characterized by possessing superhuman strength, He-Man claimed to be “The Most Powerful Man in the Universe.”


As a character he was largely non-violent and his primary weapon was a sword. I say all this to say, for any young man who grew up in the 80’s watching the cartoon, He-Man Gin, He-Man XXX Rum, and He-Man Whiskey sounds pretty awesome. For those who are 80’s babies and dressed as He-Man (or She-Ra) for Halloween, why not have a taste of what it feels like to gain a little magical power from some He-Man juice gin. Available via some liquor store in India.



One Response to He-Man Gin, Whisky, and XXX Rum

  1. Weekend Links | Perez Solomon 2.0 says:

    […] He-Man Gin, Whisky, and XXX Rum […]

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