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June 22, 2011 sports

Eli And Peyton Manning Are “Football Cops”

Eli Manning, Peyton Manning, Football Cops

Yes, I am obsessed with all thing Manning (Peyton, as I am NOT a fan of Eli) and Williams as in the Williams sisters. Well, mainly I’m just really into their commercials. You have to admit they always produce some noteworthy commercials for the brands they endorse.

Following a Tweet by our good friends at The Campus Socialite, I came across a rather unique article on the Manning brothers acting as football cops. Of course I had to investigate this “football cop” thing.

Eli Manning, Peyton Manning, Football Cops

Football Cops” staring Peyton and Eli Manning will be an action-packed drama about two former pro football players who bring their unique brand of law enforcement to one of the country’s toughest neighborhoods. Mike Tahoe (Peyton Manning) was living the dream as a big league quarterback, until a personal tragedy brought him back to the mean streets of his childhood. Vowing to bring those who wronged him to swift justice, he enlists the help of his best friend, and biggest rival, C.J. Hunter (Eli Manning). Both grew up together as orphans in a home for wayward boys. Both overcame the odds to become huge sports stars. Now both are the only hope for the rugged streets they once again call home.

Eli Manning, Peyton Manning, Football Cops

Check out this sneak peek of Football Cops premiering this fall on DIRECTV:


For more information about the show visit www.FootballCops.com.


One Response to Eli And Peyton Manning Are “Football Cops”

  1. Gunaxin Links says:

    Eli And Peyton Manning Are "Football Cops"…

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