Lady Gaga and Beyonce “Telephone” aka “Prison for Bitches”...

McDonalds Happy Meal

WTF: 1-Year-Old McDonald’s Happy Meal

March 17, 2010 Guy Stuff

3 Manly St. Patrick’s Day Recipes Leprechaun Style

For the unlucky man who does not have the fortune of hanging out at a smoke–filled bar with a bunch of hot girls, we have skyward the internet and put together the perfect easy to prepare “man meal” in honor of St. Patrick’s Day.

Corned Beef and Cabbage Pizza (Main Course)
Yes, you read it right! Corned beef and cabbage on a pizza. It looks good and seems pretty easy to make if you forgo the homemade pizza dough. Click here for your step-by-step guide to make this somewhat Italian classic Irish style.

Green Beer (Drink of Choice)
Pizza and beer is always a winning combination. What man wouldn’t want to drown his sorrows and wash down some corn beef with some good ol green Guinness beer? Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to create this concoction. If you do nothing else remember beer is required and Guinness beer is preferred in honor of St. Patty’s Day.

“Herbal” Paula Deen Crème De Menthe Brownies (Dessert)
We all know Paula as the quintessential down-home lady on the food network with the big personality known for her delicious recipes. In honor of St. Patrick’s Day someone has taken one of her simple recipes and put a green twist on it. If these are to plain for you, you can always mix a little “herb” into the brownies which are sure to make you feel you in another zone. Leave it to Youtube to provide step-by-step instructions on how to lace your brownies.


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