All those snazzy facial products aren’t just for women. Through triumph and disaster, men should exfoliate too! Guys often forget a man’s skin is not that much different then a women’s skin. Albeit our skin is a bit softer, a man’s skin grows old and peels naturally just like ours. If you are one of those guys that is too cool or just don’t know much about buying facial products, we have found one of the most badass scrubs (at least the name is) out there to help you.
Made of volcanic ash and green clay, Triumph and Disaster’s “Rock & Roll Suicide Exfoliating Face Scrub” is infused with a unique natural fragrance to remove unwanted dead layers of skin while cleaning out dirty pores to reveal fresh layers of good skin underneath. While the green clay is used to draw out dirt and impurities from oily skin, the star ingredient is the volcanic ash, which acts as a natural abrasive providing deep exfoliation. Green clay is also rich in iron, magnesium, and potassium so it nourishes skin at the same time.
For those of you who are curious, volcanic ash is created when solid rock shatters and magma separates into minute particles during volcanic activity. Think diamonds. Women love diamonds. Available via The Motley. RETAIL $34.00
Tags Beard Beard Scrub Exfoliating Face Scrub Facial Wash grooming Men's Grooming Triumph and Disaster